Friday 19 December 2014

Murgh Makhamali Kebab Recipe - How To Make Spicy And Velvety Chicken Kebabs Recipe

Murgh Makhamali Kebab 
Ingredients :

boneless chicken breasts - 4 or 200 grams each
Ginger & garlic paste - 1 1/2 tsps
Grated processed cheese - 1/4 cup
Fresh cream - 1/4 cup
Yogurt - 2/3 cups
Salt to taste
Garam masala powder - 2 tsps
Lemon juice - 1/2 tsp
Butter - 1/4 cup
Pepper powder -1/2 tsp
Green chillis - according to taste

Preparation method :

  • Clean chicken and remove skin. Cut chicken 
  • Grind green chillis, mix it with ginger & garlic paste & rub this paste well into the chicken. Cover it and keep aside for 20 minutes
  • Drain yogurt with clean muslin cloth for an hour till the water drains and yogurt becomes thick
  • Mix drained yogurt with fresh cream, cheese, garam masala powder, lemon juice, sailt & pepper powder. whisk all these ingredients well and marinate chicken in this mixture for 3 to 4 hours in refrigerator
  • Heat the grilling pan. Skewer chicken pieces and grill them on medium flame 
  • Baste the chicken in between with butter every five minutes while grilling 
  • For grilling in oven, skewer the chicken pieces and arrange them an inch apart on wire rack
  • preheat oven for and grill the chicken for 10 to 15 minutes brushing butter in between
  • Once done remove from skewers and serve hot with green chutney or any chutney of your choice.


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