Wednesday 17 December 2014

Bharwan Aloo (Stuffed potatoes) - Simple And Quick North Indian Vegetarian Recipe

Bharwan aloo (stuffed potatoes)  is popular and unique North Indian dish. It can be cooked for various occasions and served to guests as starters or snacks.

Bharwan Aloo (Stuffed potatoes)
Bharwan Aloo (Stuffed potatoes)
Ingredients :

Potatoes - medium size 6
Paneer (cottage cheese) - 100 gms
Red chilli powder - according to taste
Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
Amchur powder(dried mango powder) - 1 tsp
saunf pwder(funnel) - 1 tsp
Oil - 2 tbsps
Garam masala - 1/2 tsp
salt to taste 
Finely chopped green chillis - according to taste
Chopped kishmish(raisins) -2 tsps
Chopped kaju(cashew nuts) - 2 tsp
Chopped fresh coriander leaves - 2 tbsps

Preparation method : 

  • Peel & parboil potatoes
  •  Scoop out the center portion of the potatoes with peeler or knife, leaving a thick round shell. keep them aside 
  • Boil the scooped out portion of potatoes & mash well
  • Add paneer, red chilli powder, turmeric powder, garam masala, saunf powder, amchur podwer, green chillis, salt, kishmish, kaju & chopped fresh coriander leaves. mix well
  • Stuff this mixture in the potatoes 
  • Heat oil in a pan & add stuffed potatoes 
  • Cook potatoes till they become tender.
  • Turn off the flame. Bharwan Aloo is ready to serve


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