Wednesday 30 July 2014

Vegetable Kolhapuri Recipe - A Specialty From The State Of Maharashtra - Indian Recipe Of Mix Vegetables In A Mildly Spiced Gravy

Vegetable Kolhapuri Recipe
Vegetable Kolhapuri Recipe 
Ingredients :

Peeled & chopped carrot - 1
Peeled  & chopped potato - 1
Chopped capsicum - 1
Cauliflower florets - 1 cup
Tomato puree - 1 cup
Ginger paste - 1 1/2 tsp
Green peas - 1/4 cup
Grated coconut - 1/4 cup
Full cream - 1/2 cup
Oil - as required( for deep frying vegetables & for cooking curry)
Finely chopped Coriander leaves - 1/2 cup
Asafoetida - pinch
Cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp
Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
Coriander powder -1 tsp
Garam masala - 1/4 tsp
Dry red chillies - 2
Sesame seeds- 1 tbsp
Red chilli powder - 1/2 tsp
Salt to taste

Preparation method : 
  • Heat a pan, add cumin seeds, sesame seeds & grated coconut, dry roast on low flame till they turn light brown. turn off the flame & keep this aside. let it cool 
  • Once the masala is cool, grind it. keep it aside
  • Heat oil in another  pan, add chopped potatoes deep fry them till they turn light brown color & crunchy. remove them from oil & keep aside
  • In same oil add cauliflower florets & carrots fry them till they turn crunchy. remove them from oil & keep aside
  • Now add chopped capsicum to oil & fry them  till they turn lightly crunchy. remove them from oil & keep aside
  • Remove all the oil from the pan, leaving 2 tbsp of oil for cooking 
  • Heat this oil again & add asafoetida, turmeric powder, corinder powder stir well
  • Add tomato puree,ginger paste, red chilli powder, dry red chillies keep stirring & cook it on low flame till oil separates from gravy 
  • Now add cumin seeds, sesame seeds & grated coconut powder & cream. let it cook for 2-3 min
  • add green peas,1/2 cup water, salt to taste, garam masala, carrots , capsicum, potato,cauliflower mix well & cover it & cook for 3-4  min 
  • Garnish with coriander leaves 
  • Serve hot Veg kolhapuri curry with rice, roti or naan.


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