Monday 14 July 2014

Vegetable Soup - Indian Soup Recipe - Homemade Tasty & Simple Vegetable Soup - Healthy Veg Recipe

Ingredients :

Chopped Carrot - 1 medium
Potato - 1 medium ,peeled & chopped
Tomato - 1 medium chopped
Black cardamoms - 2
Cloves - 5
Oil - 1 tbs
Bay leaf - 1
Cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp
Chopped onion - 1 medium
Chopped garlic Cloves - 4-5
Chopped ginger - 1 inch piece
Salt to taste
Vegetable stock - 3 cups
Black peppercorn - 2-3 crushed
Fresh coriander leaves - 2 tbsp

Preparation Method :

Heat oil in a pan add black cardamom, cloves, bay leaf, cumin seeds, garlic,ginger, onion, carrot, potato, tomato, salt & vegetable stock & cook it. 
Now keep it aside & let it cool 
Puree it in a blender till it becomes smooth. Strain & reheat it for 1 min
Garnish with coriander leaves & sprinkle crushed peppercorn
Vegetable soup is ready to serve
Vegetable Soup - Indian Soup Recipe


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