Sunday 20 July 2014

Sweet Potato Tikki - Tasty & Easy North Indian Sweet Potato Snacks Recipe

Ingredients :

Boiled sweet potatoes - 2
Finely chopped ginger - 1tsp
Finely chopped onions - 1/2 cup
Chopped green chilli - 1 tsp
Red chilli powder - 1 tsp
Cumin powder -1 tsp
Salt to taste
Chopped mint leaves - 1 tbsp
Oil - 1-2 tbsp
Maida batter - as per requirement (batter should watery)
Breadcrumbs/flatened rice for crust - 1/2 cup
Coriander leaves for garnish

sweet potato tikkis
Sweet potato tikkis

Preparation method :
  • In a bowl mash sweet potatoes, add ginger, onion, mint leaves, salt, red chilli powder mix well
  • Add green chilli, cumin powder. mix well & make medium size tikkis/patties 
  • Dip tikkis fully in batter & coat it with breadcrumbs or flatened rice/poha 
  • Heat oil in a pan & cook the tikkis in medium flame till they fry evenly
  • Serve with tomato ketchup or green chutney


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