Sunday 13 July 2014

Kesari Kulfi - Indian Dessert - How To Make Kulfi At Home - Homemade Kulfi


Saffron threads(kesar) - 7 to 8
Milk- 7 1/2 cups
Khoya or mawa - 1cup
Sugar - 1 cup
Dry fruits coarsely chopped for garnish

Preparation method:
Kesari Kulfi - Indian Desert
  • Boil milk in a deep thick pan till its consistency becomes little thick.add khoya and cook
  • Then add sugar and saffron and cotinue cooking uncovered
  • Add chopped dry fruits and mix well and keep it aside to cool
  • When its completely cold,pour it into kulfi moulds and place it in freezer to set
  • Unmould the kulfi when firmly set and cut it into pieces
  • Kulfi is ready to serve


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