Sunday 13 July 2014

Tamatar Shorba - How To Prepare Simple Indian Style Recipe Tomato Soup

Ingredients :

Chopped Tomates- 8
Oil - 1 tbsp
Black peppercorn - 4-5
Chopped onion - 1 large (cut into 1 inch pieces)
Gram flour (besan) - 2tbsp
Salt to taste
Red chilli powder - 1 tsp
Roasted cumin powder - 1 tsp
Finely chopped garlic - 2tsp
Carrot - 1 medium(cut into 1 inch pieces)

Prepration Method :

In a pan heat oil add chopped tomatoes, peppercorns, onions,garlic, carrot, gram flour, salt,red chilli powder & cumin powder mix well cover it with lid & cook it. Keep it aside to cool.

Now grind it till it becomes smooth .add 1 1/2 cup water cook it till it little thick in consistency.

Serve it hot.
Simple Indian Style Recipe Tomato Soup


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