Friday 25 July 2014

Dondakaya Fry - Tindoora/Gherkins & Fry Curry - Simple Indian Veg Recipe

Ingredients :

Dondakaya/tindoora/gherkins - 1/4 kg
Minapappu/Black gram/urad dal - 2 tsp
Shanagapappu/chanadal - 2 tsp
Dry red chillies - 8
Garlic cloves - 10
Chopped onion - 1 medium
Salt to taste
Turmeric powder - pinch
Curry leaves
Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp
Cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp
Coriander leaves - for garnish

Preparation method :

  • Chop Dondakayalu/tindoora & keep aside 
  • Dry roast chana dal, urad dal, red chilli powder ,garlic cloves & salt grind these ingredients coarsely
  • Heat oil in a pan, add mustard seeds cumin seeds turmeric powder curry leaves & stir
  • Now add Chop Dondakayalu/tindoora & urad dal & chana dal powder,  mix well & cook it
  • Garnish with coriander leaves & serve with rice. 
Dondakaya Fry
Dondakaya Fry 


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