Thursday 28 August 2014

Semiya/vermicelli Ladoo Recipe - Tasty and Simple Semiya Ladoo Recipe - How to prepare Semiya Ladoo

Semiya ladoo is a simple and unique sweet snack recipe. Its easy to make and tastes yummy. Takes less time and ingredients.

Ingredients :

Semiya/vermicelli - 1 cup
Condensed milk - as required
Roasted raisins & cashew nuts (crushed) - few
Ghee - 1 tsp
Cardamom powder - 1/2 tsp

Preparation method :

  • In a pan add ghee and semiya, roast semiya till it turns golden brown color 
  • Now condensed milk ,cardamom powder & roasted raisins & cashew nuts (crushed) to it. keep Stirring
  • Cook till the moisturizer evaporates. Turn off the flame
  • Grease your palms with ghee & start making ladoos when the ladoo mixer is warm 
  • Semiya ladoos are ready to serve.

Semiya/vermicelli Ladoo
Semiya/vermicelli Ladoo


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