Thursday 28 August 2014

Atukula Ladoo - How to make Atukula Ladoo - Poha Ladoo - Beaten Rice Snacks Recipe

Atukula ladoo is a delicious and healthy recipes. its easy to make and takes less time. atukula ladoo can be prepared for any festival.this recipe is mostly prepared on Gokula Ashtami . Yummy sweet snacks recipe can be served to kids too.

Atukula Ladoo
Atukula Ladoo
Ingredients :

Atukulu/poha - 1 cup

Sugar powder - 1/2 cup
Cardamom powder - 1/2 tsp
Ghee - 3 tbsp or as required
Almonds powder - as required(roasted in ghee)
Cashew nuts powder - as required(roasted in ghee)
Raisins roasted in ghee - according to taste

Preparation method:

  • Dry roast atukulu for a min till its hot. Do not over roast or brown it. Turn off the flame & keep it aside to cool
  • After it cool, grind it ot a fine powder and keep it aside
  • Transfer this into mixing bowl 
  • add sugar powder, cardamom powder, alomond powder, cashew nuts & raisins, mix it well
  • Add hot ghee to the atukulu ladoo mixture & mix it well
  • Now grease your hands with ghee so that the ladoo mix does not stick. When it is warm make ladoos
  • atukula ladoos are ready to serve.


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