Monday 14 July 2014

Paneer Rolls - Tasty North Indian Veg Snack - Simple & Quick Paneer Recipe


Paneer - 250gms,crumbled
Suji - 120gms
Mint(pudhina) - 50gms,finely chopped
Garlic - 5,crushed into paste
Salt to taste
Black pepper powder - 1/2 tsp
Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp
Green chillies - 2,finely chopped
Onion - 1/2,very finely chopped
Peanut oil - 5 tbsp

Preparation method:

Paneer Rolls
  • Take a bowl and add paneer,suji,mint,garlic paste,black pepper powder,Turmeric powder,chopped green chillies,chopped onions and salt.mix well
  • Then make the mixture into rolls and flatten the sides
  • Take a pan and heat the oil
  • Now add the rolls into oil and fry them on moderate heat till they become brown evenly
  • Serve hot with tomato ketchup


  1. this is a great idea to wrap chicken...Looks so delicious & pictures make me mouthwatering!!Thanks for sharing with 'Hot & Spicy Treats' Restaurant in Satya niketan



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