Saturday 19 December 2015

Sprouts And Paneer Chat-Pati Chat

Paneer sprouts chat

Mixed sprouts grams or sprouted green gram - 1 cup
Paneer - 100 gms
Tomatoes - 2 nos
Onion - 1 no
Salt - to taste
Lime juice - 1/2 tsp
Chat masala - to taste
Coriander - 1 tbsp

Method of preparation :

  • Cut paneer into small cubes (Use them raw or deep fried) 
  • Steam the sprouts and allow them to cool
  • De-seed and chop the tomatoes finely
  • Chop onions finely
  • Mix tomatoes, paneer and onions with cooked sprouts
  • Add salt, lime juice and chat masala
  • Mix well and garnish with coriander leaves
  • Simple and healthy chat-pati paneer sprouts chat is ready to serve


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