Wednesday 30 July 2014

Vegetable Kolhapuri Recipe - A Specialty From The State Of Maharashtra - Indian Recipe Of Mix Vegetables In A Mildly Spiced Gravy

Vegetable Kolhapuri Recipe
Vegetable Kolhapuri Recipe 
Ingredients :

Peeled & chopped carrot - 1
Peeled  & chopped potato - 1
Chopped capsicum - 1
Cauliflower florets - 1 cup
Tomato puree - 1 cup
Ginger paste - 1 1/2 tsp
Green peas - 1/4 cup
Grated coconut - 1/4 cup
Full cream - 1/2 cup
Oil - as required( for deep frying vegetables & for cooking curry)
Finely chopped Coriander leaves - 1/2 cup
Asafoetida - pinch
Cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp
Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
Coriander powder -1 tsp
Garam masala - 1/4 tsp
Dry red chillies - 2
Sesame seeds- 1 tbsp
Red chilli powder - 1/2 tsp
Salt to taste

Preparation method : 
  • Heat a pan, add cumin seeds, sesame seeds & grated coconut, dry roast on low flame till they turn light brown. turn off the flame & keep this aside. let it cool 
  • Once the masala is cool, grind it. keep it aside
  • Heat oil in another  pan, add chopped potatoes deep fry them till they turn light brown color & crunchy. remove them from oil & keep aside
  • In same oil add cauliflower florets & carrots fry them till they turn crunchy. remove them from oil & keep aside
  • Now add chopped capsicum to oil & fry them  till they turn lightly crunchy. remove them from oil & keep aside
  • Remove all the oil from the pan, leaving 2 tbsp of oil for cooking 
  • Heat this oil again & add asafoetida, turmeric powder, corinder powder stir well
  • Add tomato puree,ginger paste, red chilli powder, dry red chillies keep stirring & cook it on low flame till oil separates from gravy 
  • Now add cumin seeds, sesame seeds & grated coconut powder & cream. let it cook for 2-3 min
  • add green peas,1/2 cup water, salt to taste, garam masala, carrots , capsicum, potato,cauliflower mix well & cover it & cook for 3-4  min 
  • Garnish with coriander leaves 
  • Serve hot Veg kolhapuri curry with rice, roti or naan.

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Oats Dosa - How To Make Simple Oats Dosa - Healthy Indian Veg Recipe

Ingredients :

Fenugreek seeds - 1 1/2 tsp
Urad dal - 1 cup
Instant oats - 5 cups
Salt to taste
oats dosa

Preparation method :

  • Soak urad dal  & fenugreek seeds in water 3-4 hrs
  • Soak oats for 5 to 10 min before blending 
  • Grind soaked urad dal & fenugreek seeds add soaked oats to it blend again.(batter shud not be too thick or too watery)
  • Add salt mix it well 
  • Heat 1/2 tsp oil on tava/flat pan, add little batter to it & spread it lightly in circular motion with back of the spoon
  • Add few drops of oil on top & edges cook it
  •  Flip it and cook the other side. 
  • Serve it with coconut chutney or any other chutney. 

Sunday 27 July 2014

Noodles Vegetables Omelette - How To Make Veg Noodles Omelette - Simple & Tasty Veg Noodles Recipe

Ingredients :

Boiled noodles - 1 cup
Besan/chickpea flour - 1 cup
Semolina/rava - 1 cup
Chopped onion - 1 medium
Chopped green chillies - 3
Salt to taste
Ginger & garlic paste - 1 tsp
Grated carrot - 1/4 cup
Grated coconut - 1/4 cup
Coriander powder - 1/2 tsp
Pepper powder -1/2 tsp
Coriander leaves

Noodles Vegetables Omelette
Noodles Vegetables Omelette

Preparation method :

  • In a bowl add besan, rava, salt, ginger & garlic paste,noodles, coriander powder, pepper powder, onions, green chillies, grated carrot, grated coconut,coriander leaves & add required water, mix it well & make batter
  • Heat oil in a tava/flat pan, add batter to it & spread it lightly with back of the spoon
  • Add few drops of oil on top & edges,cover with lid & cook it on low flame 
  • Flip it and cook the other side. cook it till turns medium brown color
  • Serve hot .

Noodles Vegetable Cutlet With Cheese - Simple Veg Noodles Recipes - Indian Style Recipe

Ingredients :

Boiled noodles - 1 cup
Sweet corn - 1/2 cup (crush sweet corn coarsely)
Finely chopped onion - 1/4 cup
Finely chopped green chilles - 1/4 cup
Finely chopped spring onions - 1/4 cup
Grated cheese - 1/2 cup
Salt to taste
Pepper powder - 1/2 tsp
Corn flour -1 tsbp
Bread crumbs
Oil for deep frying cutlets

Noodles Vegetable Cutlet
Noodles Vegetable Cutlet

Preparation method :

  • In a bowl add boiled noodles, chopped onions, sweet corn, spring onions, green chillies, salt to taste, pepper powder, corn flour & grated cheese mix all these ingredients well
  • Make medium size cutlets (apply oil to your palms while making cutlets so that the mixer dose not stick)
  • Roll them in bread crumbs 
  • deep fry cutlets in oil till they turn golden brown color 
  • Serve with tomato ketchup/sauce or any chutney 

Bread Potato/Aloo Rolls - Quick And Yummy Indian Crispy Snacks Recipes - Indian Veg Recipes

Ingredients :

Bread Potato/Aloo Rolls
Bread Potato/Aloo Rolls

Bread Potato/Aloo Rolls
Bread Potato/Aloo Rolls

Bread slices
Boiled & mashed potatoes - 4 large
Garlic paste - 2 tsp
Green chillis paste - 1 tbsp or according to taste
Oil - 2 tsp (for frying garlic & green chilli paste)
Asafoetida - pinch
Turmeric Powder - 1/2 powder
Coriander leaves - 1/2 cup
Lemon juice - 1 tsp
salt to taste
Oil for deep frying rolls

Preparation method :

  • Heat oil in a pan, add asafoetida(hing), garlic paste, green chilli paste & turmeric powder fry it for a min & turn down the heat
  • Add this to bolied & mashed potatoes  
  • Add coriander leaves, lemon juice & salt to taste mix it well
  • Divide the potato mixer into medium size oblong shape balls as shown in below pic
Bread Potato/Aloo Rolls

  • Cut the edges of bread slices, dip them in little water & squeeze them gently to remove excess water
  • Now take the potato balls & stuff them in soaked slices 
  • Roll the slices & press the edges to seal them  
  • Deep fry the rolls oil till they turn golden brownish color 
  • Serve them with tomato ketchup or green chutney. 

Friday 25 July 2014

Munakaya/Drumstick and Coconut Dry Curry - Simple South Indian Veg Recipe

Ingredients :

Munakayalu/drumsticks - 2
Chopped Tomatoes - 2-3
Grated fresh coconut - 1 cup
Chopped Onions - 1 medium
Salt to taste
Red chilli powder - 1 tsp
Green chillies - 2
Curry leaves - 6-7
Ginger & garlic paste - 1 1/2 tsp
Oil -2 tbsp
Turmeric powder -1/2 tsp
Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp
cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp
Garam masala powder - 1/2 tsp
Coriander powder - 1/2 tsp

Munakaya/Drumstick and Coconut Dry Curry
Munakaya/Drumstick and Coconut Dry Curry 

Preparation method :

  • Wash & peel drumsticks & chop them into 3 inch pieces
  • Heat oil in a pan, add mustard seeds, cumin seeds, chopped onions, green chillies, ginger & garlic paste, turmeric powder & curry leaves stir well & cook it for a min
  • Now add chopped drumsticks & tomatoes.
  • Add salt, red chilli powder & little water stir well & cook it
  • Add garam masala powder & coriander powder.
  • Garnish with coriander leaves & serve with rice. 

Dondakaya Fry - Tindoora/Gherkins & Fry Curry - Simple Indian Veg Recipe

Ingredients :

Dondakaya/tindoora/gherkins - 1/4 kg
Minapappu/Black gram/urad dal - 2 tsp
Shanagapappu/chanadal - 2 tsp
Dry red chillies - 8
Garlic cloves - 10
Chopped onion - 1 medium
Salt to taste
Turmeric powder - pinch
Curry leaves
Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp
Cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp
Coriander leaves - for garnish

Preparation method :

  • Chop Dondakayalu/tindoora & keep aside 
  • Dry roast chana dal, urad dal, red chilli powder ,garlic cloves & salt grind these ingredients coarsely
  • Heat oil in a pan, add mustard seeds cumin seeds turmeric powder curry leaves & stir
  • Now add Chop Dondakayalu/tindoora & urad dal & chana dal powder,  mix well & cook it
  • Garnish with coriander leaves & serve with rice. 
Dondakaya Fry
Dondakaya Fry 

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Vegetable Omelette - Besan Ka Omelette - Easy Indian Veg Recipe - Eggless Omelette Recipe

Ingredients :

Besan/chickpea flour - 1cup
Finely chopped onion - 1 medium size
Finely chopped green chillies - 2
finely chopped ginger - 1 inch
Finely chopped tomatoes - 1 medium size
Cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp
Curry leaves - 3-4
salt to taste
Oil - 2 tsp
Water for making batter

Vegetable Omelette - Besan Ka Omelette
Eggless Amelette

Preparation method :

  • In bowl add besan, onions, green chillies, ginger, tomatoes, cumin seeds, curry leaves, salt & water mix these ingredients. (batter should not be too watery or too thick)
  • Heat oil in a tava/flat pan, add batter to it & spread it lightly with back of the spoon
  • Add few drops of oil on top & edges & cook it 
  • Flip it and cook the other side. cook it till turns medium brown color & rawness of tomatoes is gone
  • Serve it hot with tomatoe ketchup or green chutney.

Upudu Pindi-Simple And Tasty Rice flour Recipe-Rice Flour Recipe From Telangana Region

Ingredients :

Rice flour - 2 cups
Finely chopped onion - 1 medium size
Finely chopped green chillies - 2
Black mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp
Cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp
Curry leaves - 6-7
Oil - 2 tsps
1 inch ginger piece - finely chopped
Salt to taste

Telanagan Upudu Pindi
Upudu Pindi
Preparation Method :

  • Heat oil in a pan add mustard seeds, cumin seeds, curry leaves, ginger, green chillies stir well cook it for a min 
  • Now add rice flour & salt to taste
  • Add 1 cup water, keep stirring & let it cook for 5 min on low flame.
  • Garnish with dryfruits, curry leaves or coriander leaves
  • Serve hot.

Sunday 20 July 2014

Maida Ladoo - How To Make Maida Ladoo - Indian Sweet Recipe

Ingredients :

Maida/All-purpose flour - 1/4 kg
Ghee - 1/4 kg
Cardamom - 4
Roasted cashew nuts - as required
Raisins - as requireds
Milk - 1/2 cup
Sugar powder - according to taste
Maida ladoo
Yummy Maida Ladoo

Preparation method :

  • Make a soft dough with maida & water
  • keep it aside for 1 hr. let it soak
  • Divide the dough into lemon size & roll it like chapati. shown in below pic

  • Cut it into 1 inch square pieces & deep fry them in ghee as shown in above pic & grind them into fine powder
  • Now add sugar powder, cashew nuts, raisins & milk to it. mix well 
  • Make balls 
  • Maida ladoos are ready to serve

Sweet Potato Tikki - Tasty & Easy North Indian Sweet Potato Snacks Recipe

Ingredients :

Boiled sweet potatoes - 2
Finely chopped ginger - 1tsp
Finely chopped onions - 1/2 cup
Chopped green chilli - 1 tsp
Red chilli powder - 1 tsp
Cumin powder -1 tsp
Salt to taste
Chopped mint leaves - 1 tbsp
Oil - 1-2 tbsp
Maida batter - as per requirement (batter should watery)
Breadcrumbs/flatened rice for crust - 1/2 cup
Coriander leaves for garnish

sweet potato tikkis
Sweet potato tikkis

Preparation method :
  • In a bowl mash sweet potatoes, add ginger, onion, mint leaves, salt, red chilli powder mix well
  • Add green chilli, cumin powder. mix well & make medium size tikkis/patties 
  • Dip tikkis fully in batter & coat it with breadcrumbs or flatened rice/poha 
  • Heat oil in a pan & cook the tikkis in medium flame till they fry evenly
  • Serve with tomato ketchup or green chutney

Dal Halwa - Tasty & Easy Indian Dessert Recipe - Chanadal/split chickpeas & Moongdal/Split Green Gram Desert

Ingredients :

Soaked Chanadal/split chickpeas - 1/2 cup
Soaked Moongdal/Split Green Gram - 1/2 cup
Sugar - according to taste
Crushed cashew nuts - 1 tbsp
Crushed cardamom - 4-5
Ghee - 2 tbsp
milk - 1 cup

Dal Halwa
dal halwa

Preparation method :

  • Boil soaked chana dal & moong dal with milk. ( Use pressure cooker & cook it till 2 whistle) & blend it. keep it aside
  • In a pan add ghee, chashew nuts chana dal & moong dal paste, cardamom & sugar mix it well & cook it 
  • Garnish with cashew nuts 
  • dal halwa is ready to serve

Mutton Dalcha - Hyderbadi Non-Veg Dalcha Recipe - Mutton And Lentils Indian Curry Recipe

Ingredients :

Mutton chops - 1 kg
Tamarind paste - 5 tbsp
Ginger & garlic paste - 1 tsp
Curd - 3 tsp
Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp ( for marinating mutton)
Red chilli powder - 1 tsp
Boiled chanadal/chickpeas split - 1 cup
Boiled tur dal/red gram split  - 1 cup
Oil - 1 tbsp
Curry leaves - 5-6
Cardamom - 5
Chopped onion - 1 medium size
Green chillies - as required
Cinnamon 1 inch sticks - 2-3
Cloves - as required
Turmeric powder - pinch
Salt to taste
Coriander leaves for garnish

Mutton dalcha - hyderabad non-veg recipe
Mutton dalcha

Preparation method :

  • In a bowl add mutton chops, curd, turmeric powder, red chilli powder & ginger & garlic paste marinate for 1 hr
  •  Use pressure cooker & cook  marinated mutton without adding water & remove it from stove after 3-4 whistles. keep it aside
  • Heat oil in a pan, add cloves, cardamom, cinnamon sticks, curry leaves, onions, green chillies, Turmeric powder saute
  • Add cooked mutton, boiled chana dal & tur dal stir well
  • Add tamarind paste, salt & water as required. cover it with lid & cook it 
  • Garnish with chopped coriander leaves 
  • serve hot mutton dalcha with rice

Yummy & Easy Tamil Rice Recipe - Sambhar Rice - South Indian Rice Recipe

Ingredients :

Chopped pumpkin - 1/2 cup
Chopped french beans - 10
Chopped cluster beans - 5
Chopped carrot - 1
Chopped potato - 1
Chopped brinjal - 1
Boiled  tur dal/red gram split - 1 cup
Boiled rice - 1 cup
Oil - 2 tbsp
Chanadal/chickpeas split - 1 tbsp
Coriander seeds - 2 tsp
Fenugreek seeds - 1/2  tsp
Dry red chillies - 5
Curry leaves - as required
Hing(asafoetida) - pinch
Coriander powder - 1 tsp
Sambhar masala powder - 1 tsp
Tamarind water - 1 tbsp
Water - as required
Coriander leaves for garnish

Kadamba Sadam-sambhar rice
Sambhar Rice/kadamba sadam

Preparation method :

  • Wash & soak chopped potato,brinjal,carrot, pumpkin,cluster beans & french beans in water
  • Heat oil in a pan, add chanadal, coriander seeds, fenugreek seeds, dry red chillies(break dry red chillies) stir & cook for a min
  • Add curry leave, soaked vegetables, hing, coriander powder, sambhar masala powder, tamarind water & water as required. mix well  & cook it for 2 min 
  • Now add boiled dal & rice mix well & cook it  
  • Garnish with coriander leaves 
  • Serve hot.

Vegetable Biryani - Easy Veg Biryani Recipe - How To Make Yummy Veg Biryani Recipe - Indian Rice Recipe

Ingredients :

Basmati rice - 1 cup(soak basmati rice foe 30 min)
Ghee - 1 tbp
Cinnamon 1 inch Sticks - 2-3
Cloves - 3-4
Cumin Seeds - 1/2 tsp
Chopped Onion - 1
Red chilli powder - 1/2 tsp
Cumin powder - 1/2 tsp
Salt to taste
Turmeric Powder - 1/2 tsp
Tomato puree -2 tbsp
Chopped french beans - 1/4 cup
Chopped cauliflower - 1/4 cup 
Fresh peas - 1/4 cup
Small cauliflower florets -1/4 cup 
Chopped carrot - 1/4 cup
Peeled & chopped potato - 1small size
Paneer(optional) - 1/4 cup (fry paneer in oil) 
Few roasted chashew nuts(optional)
Lemon - 2-3 tsp
Coriander leaves for garnish

Preparation method :

  • Heat ghee in a pan, add cinnamon sticks, cloves,cumin seeds & onions cook it till onion turn light brown
  • Add red chilli powder, turmeric powder, cumin powder ,salt, tomato puree stir well
  • Now add all chopped vegetables potato,carrot, cauliflower, french beans, peas & 1/4 cup of water, stir. cover with lid & cook it for 4-5 min
  • Add basmati rice & 2 cups water. cook it
  • add lemon juice to it & garnish with coriander leaves 
  • Serve with raitha. 

Rajma Masala Curry - How To Make Easy Rajma/Kidney Beans Recipe - Spicy Garvy Recipe

Ingredients :

Big red rajma - 1 cup (soak overnight in water)
Small pink rajma - 1 cup (soak overnight in water)
Oil - 2 tsp
Bey leaf - 2
Black cardamom - 4-5
Green Cardamom - 4-5
Finely chopped onoin - 1 cup
Finely chopped tomatoes - 1 cup
Salt to taste
Garam masala - 1 tsp
Red chilli powder - 1 tsp
Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp
Tomato puree - 2-3 tbsp
Cumin/Jeera powder - 11/2 tsp
Ginger & garlic paste - 1 1/2 tsp
Green chilli paste - 1 tsp
Coriander powder - 1 tsp
Coriander leaves - for garnish

Preparation method :

  • Heat oil in a pan add bey leaf, black cardamom, green cardamom, stir cook it for a min 
  • Add onions,green chilli paste, turmeric powder,ginger & garlic paste & tomatoes stir well 
  • Add salt, garam masala powder, red chilli powder ,coriander powder, 1/2 cup water & tomato puree saute till rawness of tomatoes is gone
  • Now add soaked rajma & water as required stir well & cook it (rajma should boil well)
  • Add Jeera powder let it cook for a min. Rajma masala ready to serve
  • Garnish with coriander leaves
  • Serve with rice or roti.

Gavvalu/Sweet Shells - Yummy Andhra Sweet Recipe - How to make Gavvalu/Sweet Shells - Telugu Recipes

Ingredients :

Maida/All-purpose-flour - 1/2 kg
Baking soda - 1/2 tsp
Salt - pinch
Ghee - 1tbsp
Sugar - 250gms
Oil for deep frying
Water - as required for kneading dough & sugar syrup

Preparation method :

  • In a bowl Add maida, ghee, baking soda & salt mix them. 
  • Add water to it & knead the dough( dough should be soft & stiff)
  • Make small size balls from the dough .
  • To make shells/gavvalu shape, press the prepared balls & roll it with your fingertips on gavvala peeta/mould or fork ( Comb or Grater also can be used) as shown in below pics 

  • Deep fry the gavvalu/shells in oil till theyturn  golden brown. while the shells are frying, in another pan make sugar syrup (sugar syrup should be two string consistency)
  • Put deep fried shells to sugar syrup & mix it well
  • Transfer them to another plate.
  • Sweet shells are ready to serve 
  • Store sweet shells in airtight container for 2-3 weeks.

Saturday 19 July 2014

Mango Mastani Mocktail Non- Alcholic Drink - Easy & Quick Mango vanila Ice-cream Mocktail - Summer Specail Mocktail

Ingredients :

Ripe mangos - 2
Vanila ice-cream - 2scoops
Crushed cashew nuts, almonds & pistha - 1tsp each
Milk - 120ml
Mango juice - as required

Preparation method:

Peel &  chop mangoes . blend mangoes, nuts, milk & Mango juice together & pour in a transperant glass . Add vanila ice-cream to it. garnish with  cherry & dry fruits . serve chilled

Red Carpet - Raspberry Mocktail - Non- Alcholic Drink - Easy & Quick Raspberry Ice-cream Mocktail

Ingredients :

Raspberry syrup -4tbs
Venilla icecream - 2 scoops
Soda - 500 ml

Preparation method :

  • In a glass add raspberry syrup, vanila ice-cream & slowly add soda to it 
  • Garnish with cherry 
  • Serve chilled
Red Carpet - Raspberry Mocktail  - Non- Alcholic Drink - Simple Raspberry Mocktail

Thursday 17 July 2014

Venna Undalu - Butter Balls - Unique Indian Recipe from Andhra Region - Rawa/Suji & Butter Ladoo - Ladoos Recipe

Venna Undalau - Butter balls
Ingrdients :

For Spicy Butter Balls :

Suji/semolina - 1kg
Homemade butter - 1 cup
Oil for deep frying
Carom Seeds - 2 tsp
Baking soda- 1 tsp
Salt to taste
Red chilli powder - as required
Corn flour - 2tbp

For Sweet Butter Balls : Add Jaggery or Sugar - as required instead of red chilli powder

Preparation method :

  • In a bowl add sooji, butter, salt, baking soda, corn flour, red chilli powder, carom seeds & water mix well & make dough, keep it aside for 1 hr. 
  • Divide dough into lemon sized balls 
  • Heat oil in a pan & deep fry the balls on low flame till they turn golden brown in color
  • serve them with tomato ketchup or green chutney 
  • For sweet butter balls add jaggery or sugar instead of red chilli powder & follow the same process 

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Shahi Rabdi - Yummy Indian Dessert Prepared With Homemade Paneer & Condensed Milk - Bengali Desert Recipe

Ingredients :

Sugar - 1/2 cup
Homemade Paneer - 100gms
Elaichi - for flavor
Maida - 2 tbp
Condensed Milk - 1/2 cup

Preparartion method :

paneer rabdi recipe indian
  • Prepare sugar syrup with water & sugar(suger syrup should be watery)
  • Mash paneer & make it soft add maida make a soft dough 
  • Make small balls or Rasgullas with dough & put them in sugar syrup cook it for a min
  • To condensed milk add sugar as required then add elaichi & safron soaked in little milk
  • Remove rasgullas n add rabdi to it
  • Garnish it with finely chopped dry & safron threads
  • serve it 

Pinapple Sheera - Healthy Indian Dessert Recipe - Simple & Quick Indian Recipe

Sooji - 1/2 cup
ghee - 1tsp
Pineapple - as required (finely chopped or juice)
Sugar - 2tbsp
safron - 2-3 threads
Finely chopped almonds - 1tsp
Finely chopped cashew nuts - 1tsp
Dry fruits for garnish

Praparation methos :

Simple & Yummy pineapple kheer recipe
Pineapple kheer

  • Dry roast sooji till it becomes bown in color & keep it aside
  • In another pan heat ghee add chopped cashew nuts & almonds stir
  • add chopped pineapple or pineapple juice mix it well & cook it
  • Now roasted sooji to it & add hot water. add sugar & safron threads melted in little milk stir well & cook it till its consistency becomes thick 
  • remove it from stove.
  • Garnish with chopped dry fruits,chopped pineapple & safron threads 
  • serve hot 

Choclate Sandesh - How To Make Simple & Yummy Indian Bengali Dessert Choclate Sandesh

Ingredients :

Homemade paneer - 120gms
Powdered sugar - 3tbsp
Drinking choclate powder - as required
Fresh cream - 2 tbsp

Preparation :

Choclate Sandesh

  • In a bowl mash paneer with hands & make it smooth. add powdered sugar ,drinking choclate powder & fresh cream mix it well & make a soft dough.
  • Divide the dough into medium size balls & put them in paper moulds 
  • Garnish with choclate chips,finely chopped dry fruits or melted choclate 
  • Put them in fridge for 30 min & let it set
  • Choclate Sandesh is ready to serve

Choclate Sandesh

Basil Almond Soup - Simple Creamy Almond & Basil Soup Recipe

Ingredients :

Oil - 1tsp
Ginger & garlic paste - 2-3 tsp
Almond paste - 1 cup
Red chilli powder - 1 tsp
Sweet basil leaves - 1/2 cup
Crushed black pepper - 1tsp
Salt to taste
Water - 3-4 cups
Corn Folur - 1tbsp

Praparation method :

Basil Almond Soup
  • Heat oil in a pan & add garlic & ginger paste stir well 
  • Add almond paste, red chilli powder & sweet basil to it & stir.
  • Add crushed black pepper, salt, water & corn flour (cornflour for thickness of soup) stir well & cook it 
  •  Blend it & cook it again for a min
  • serve hot 

Monday 14 July 2014

Jeera Rice - Simple Indian Rice Recipe - Rice Flavored With Cumin Seeds/Jeera

Ingredients :

Basmati rice - 1 1/2 cups
Ghee - 1 1/2 tbsp
cumin sedds - 2 tsp
Salt to taste

Preparation method :

Jeera Rice

  • Wash rice & soak in 3 cups of water for 1hr & drain 
  • Heat ghee in a pan add cumin seeds cook it uncovered for a minute
  • Add rice, salt to taste & 3 cups of water stir well cover it with lid & cook it
  •  serve hot

Malai Koftha Curry - Veg indian Recipe - Restraurant Style Malai Koftha Curry

Ingredients :

Boiled Potatoes - 4-5
Grated paneer - 100grms
chopped green chillis - 4
corn flour - 4 tbsp
salt to taste
Oil - 3 tbsp
Grated onions - 3
Ginger& ginger paste - 2 tsp
Coriander powder - 1 tsp
Turmeric powder - 1 tsp
Tomato puree - 1/2 cup
Red chilli powder - 1 tsp
Crumbled koya/mawa - 1/2 cup
Fresh cream - 1/2 cup
Garam masala poeder - 1tsp

Preparation method :
malai koftha curry
malai koftha curry

  • To make kofthas- peel & mash boiled potatoes. add panner, green chillis, corn flour & salt to taste mix them well 
  • Divide the mixer into lemon sized balls & deep fry them in oil .keep it aside
  • To make gravy- heat oil in a pan add onions & cook uncovered 
  • Now add ginger& garlic paste , greem chilles, coriander powder , Turmeric powder, salt, tomato puree, red chilli powder & khoya then add 1 1/2 cup water & cook it  uncovered
  • Add fresh cream & garam masala powder 
  • Add kofthas with 1 cup of water & cook it uncovered 
  • Serve hot

Potato Rice - Indian Rice Recipe

Ingredients :

 4 medium sized boiled potatoes
2tsp sesame oil
10 garlic cloves minced
2 dry red chilli
1 tsp cumin seeds
500 gms cooked hot rice
1 tbsp ghee
salt to taste

Preparation method :

  • Peel & cut potatoes into small cubes
  • Heat oil in a pan over medium heat. add garlic, red chillis  & cumin seeds mix it & fry it for a minute add potatoes & salt to it mix well. 
  • Now add cooked rice to it cook it for a minute 
  • Serve hot 

Potato Rice  - Indian Rice  Recipe

Vegetable Pulao - Indian Veg Rice Recipe - How to Prepare Easy Vagetable Pulao Recipe


Basmati rice - 300gms
Peas - 100gms
Carrots - 250gms
Beans - 250gms
Onions - 150gms
Sesame oil - 2tbsp
Jeera - 1 tsp
Cardamom - 4
Cloves - 2
Ghee - 2tbsp
Salt to taste

Preparation method:

Indian Rice recipe - Vegetable Pulao Recipe
  •  Chop the carrots and beans.
  • Chop the onions long and thin and fry them in sesame oil till they become golden brown in color & keep them aside
  • Take ghee in a pan and add cardamom,jeera and cloves. cook for a minute& add vegetables
  • Now add rice & mix well  
  • Add water cook it . 
  • Add fried onions to the rice 
  • Serve hot 

Paneer Rolls - Tasty North Indian Veg Snack - Simple & Quick Paneer Recipe


Paneer - 250gms,crumbled
Suji - 120gms
Mint(pudhina) - 50gms,finely chopped
Garlic - 5,crushed into paste
Salt to taste
Black pepper powder - 1/2 tsp
Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp
Green chillies - 2,finely chopped
Onion - 1/2,very finely chopped
Peanut oil - 5 tbsp

Preparation method:

Paneer Rolls
  • Take a bowl and add paneer,suji,mint,garlic paste,black pepper powder,Turmeric powder,chopped green chillies,chopped onions and salt.mix well
  • Then make the mixture into rolls and flatten the sides
  • Take a pan and heat the oil
  • Now add the rolls into oil and fry them on moderate heat till they become brown evenly
  • Serve hot with tomato ketchup

Paneer Potato Balls - Easy and Tasty Indian Snack

  • Paneer - 200gms
  • Potato - 150gms
  • Rice flour - 1 tsp
  • Green chilli - 2,finely chopped
  • Coriander leaves,finely chopped - 1 tsp
  • Garam masala - 1 tsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp
  • Rusk powder,little
  • Sesame oil - 10 tbsp
Preparation method:

Paneer Potato Balls
  • Boil the potatoes.peel and grate them.then grate the paneer
  • Mix the paneer and potatoes with green chilli,salt,coriander leaves, turmeric powder,garam masala powder and rice flour
  • Then make balls with the mixture and roll them over rusk powder
  • Now take sesame oil in a pan and fry them
  • Serve them hot

Vegetable Soup - Indian Soup Recipe - Homemade Tasty & Simple Vegetable Soup - Healthy Veg Recipe

Ingredients :

Chopped Carrot - 1 medium
Potato - 1 medium ,peeled & chopped
Tomato - 1 medium chopped
Black cardamoms - 2
Cloves - 5
Oil - 1 tbs
Bay leaf - 1
Cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp
Chopped onion - 1 medium
Chopped garlic Cloves - 4-5
Chopped ginger - 1 inch piece
Salt to taste
Vegetable stock - 3 cups
Black peppercorn - 2-3 crushed
Fresh coriander leaves - 2 tbsp

Preparation Method :

Heat oil in a pan add black cardamom, cloves, bay leaf, cumin seeds, garlic,ginger, onion, carrot, potato, tomato, salt & vegetable stock & cook it. 
Now keep it aside & let it cool 
Puree it in a blender till it becomes smooth. Strain & reheat it for 1 min
Garnish with coriander leaves & sprinkle crushed peppercorn
Vegetable soup is ready to serve
Vegetable Soup - Indian Soup Recipe

Sunday 13 July 2014

Kesari Kulfi - Indian Dessert - How To Make Kulfi At Home - Homemade Kulfi


Saffron threads(kesar) - 7 to 8
Milk- 7 1/2 cups
Khoya or mawa - 1cup
Sugar - 1 cup
Dry fruits coarsely chopped for garnish

Preparation method:
Kesari Kulfi - Indian Desert
  • Boil milk in a deep thick pan till its consistency becomes little thick.add khoya and cook
  • Then add sugar and saffron and cotinue cooking uncovered
  • Add chopped dry fruits and mix well and keep it aside to cool
  • When its completely cold,pour it into kulfi moulds and place it in freezer to set
  • Unmould the kulfi when firmly set and cut it into pieces
  • Kulfi is ready to serve

Sooji Ka Halwa - Simple and Quick Indian Dessert With Semolina/Sooji


Roasted semolina(rawa/sooji)
Ghee - 1/2 cup
Sugar - 1 3/4 cups
Milk - 2 cups
Saffron - 3 to 4 threads(kesar)
Green cardamom powder - 1 1/2 tsp
Cashewnuts - 10
Pistachios - 10 blanched and peeled9for garnish)
Grated fresh coconut - 2 tbsp

Preparation method:
Sooji Ka Halwa

  • In a pan heat ghee add semolina to it.mix it well and cook it till it turns brown
  • Add sugar,milk,saffron and green cardimom powder.cover it and cook it
  • Garnish it with cashewnuts,pistachios and grated coconut
  • Serve hot

Kichidi - Indian Rice Recipe- Healthy Indian Recipe - Simple & Quick Indian Rice & Dal recipe


Rice - 1 cup
Split green gram(moong dal) - 1/2 cup
Cloves - 2
Cinnamon - 1inch
Salt to taste
Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
Pure ghee - 2 tbsp
Kichidi - Indian Rice Recipe

Preparation method:

  • Wash rice and dal together 
  • In a pan heat ghee add cloves,cinnamon,turmeric powder,rice and dal
  • Cook it uncovered for a minute
  • Then add 4 1/2 cups of water and salt to it
  • Now cover and cook it
  • Serve it hot with a dollop of pure ghee

Aloo Jeera Curry - How To Make Yummy & Simple Curry - Potato & Cumin Seeds Curry indian Recipe

Ingredients :

Potatoes - 8 medium size
Cumin seeds - 4 tspn
Oil - 6 tbsn
Asafoetida(hing) - 1/4 tspn
Chopped green chillis - 4
Ginger - 2 inch chopped
Garlic paste - 2 tspn
Turmericpowder - 1/2 tsp
salt to taste
Lemon juice - 2tsp
Fresh coriander leaves - 2 tbsp chopped

Preparation method:

Aloo Jeera Curry
  • Boil the potatoes. after they are cooled peel & cut into 1 inch cubes
  • Heat oil in a pan add cumin seeds, Asafoetida(hing) , green chillies, ginger, garlic paste & turmeric powder cook uncovered for 1 min
  • Add potatoes & salt mix well n cook uncovered 
  • Add lemon juice 
  • Remove it from stove & garnish with coriander leaves 
  • Aloo jeera is ready to serve 

Palak Shorba - Simple Spinach Soup Indian Style -Tasty & Healthy Palak Soup

Ingredients :

Roughly chopped spinach leaves - 2 cups
Cloves - 2-3
Cinnamon - 1/2 inch
Oil - 2 tspn
1 inch ginger - chopped
Chopped garlic cloves - 2
Chopped green chillies - 2
Chopped onion - 1 small
Salt to taste
Vegetable stock - 4 cups
Lemon juice - 1 tbsn
Roasted cumin power - 1/2  tspn

Preparation method :

Palak Shorba

  • Grind cloves & cinnamon (garam masala)
  • Heat oil in a pan add ginger, garlic, greem chilles & onion cook it  a min 
  • Add spinach leaves, salt , vegetable stock & garam masala cover it & cook it
  • Keep it aside to cool slightly .Now grind it till it becomes smooth
  • Add lemon juice & sprinkle roasted cumin powder
  • Serve it hot.

Tamatar Shorba - How To Prepare Simple Indian Style Recipe Tomato Soup

Ingredients :

Chopped Tomates- 8
Oil - 1 tbsp
Black peppercorn - 4-5
Chopped onion - 1 large (cut into 1 inch pieces)
Gram flour (besan) - 2tbsp
Salt to taste
Red chilli powder - 1 tsp
Roasted cumin powder - 1 tsp
Finely chopped garlic - 2tsp
Carrot - 1 medium(cut into 1 inch pieces)

Prepration Method :

In a pan heat oil add chopped tomatoes, peppercorns, onions,garlic, carrot, gram flour, salt,red chilli powder & cumin powder mix well cover it with lid & cook it. Keep it aside to cool.

Now grind it till it becomes smooth .add 1 1/2 cup water cook it till it little thick in consistency.

Serve it hot.
Simple Indian Style Recipe Tomato Soup

Chicken Chutney - Chicken Chutney Recipe From Andhra & Telangana Regions


Chicken boneless - 1kg
Oil - for deep fry
2 Tbsp Ginger paste
12 cardamom(elaichi)
10 cloves
1 1/2 tsp black cumin(shah jeera)
Cinnamon - 4 to 5 pieces of 1inch
100gms coriander powder
1 cup grated coconut
4 lemons
Salt to taste
Red chilli powder according to taste

Preparation method:

 Indian Chicken Chutney Recipe

  • Seperate all garam masala (spices) into two equal parts
  • Dry roast one part and grind it to fine powder
  • Clean chicken,drain the water fully and keep the chicken aside to dry
  • Now deep fry chicken pieces in oil and keep them aside
  • Take another pan.Heat oil in it and add second part of spices
  • To it add ginger paste,grated coconut,red chilli powder,coriander powder and salt
  • Then add fried chicken pieces and first part of spices powder.Mix well and cook it for 5 to 10 minutes 
  • Off the flame and let it cool
  • Finally squeeze lemons and mix it well
  • Chicken chutney is ready to serve
  • we can store it almost for one month 

Paneer & Kaju Pulao - Quick & Simple Indian Rice Recipe Prepared With Paneer & Kaju


Soaked Basmati Rice(saok basmati rice in water for 30 min) - 1kg
Paneer -100grms (deep fry paneer cubes in oil till they turn light brown clour)
Cashew nuts - 50grms (cashew nuts roasted in ghee)
oil - 2tsp
Ghee - 2tsp
Cloves - 6
Cinnamon - 1 inch stick
Cardamom (elaichi) - 4
Bay Leaf - 3
Fresh Mint leaves - 1 cup
chopped Onions - 2 medium size
Ginger & Garlic paste - 3tsp
Chopped Green chillies - 5-6(according to taste)
Biryani Masala - 1tsp

Paneer & Kaju Pulao - easy rice recipe

Preparation method :
  • Take a deep cooking pan heat oil & ghee ,add cloves, cinnamom stick, cardamom, bay leaf fry for 1 minute
  •  add ginger garlic paste, onions, green chillis,mint leaves, roasted cashew nuts & fries paneer mix it well fry it for 2 min
  • add soaked basmati rice mix it for a minute & let it fry for 2 minutes
  • add  water, salt to taste now cover it with lid & cook it on low flame 
  • add birayani masala after rice is 60% cooked. cover it again & cook it
  • garnish with coriander leaves
  • you can squeeze few drops of lemon juice (optional)
  • serve prawns pulao with raitha .

Nuvvula Garjalu -Yummy Indian Sweet Snacks Recipe from Andhra Region

Ingredients :
Andhra special Nuvvula Garjalu

All-purpose flour or maida  - 1/2 kg
Sesame seeds - 250grms
sugar - 250 grms
Oil - for deep frying

Preparation method
    Andhra special Nuvvula Garjalu
  • dry roast sesame seeds on low flame & keep them aside. let them cool 
  • Coarsely grind sesame seeds & sugar together for stuffing 
  • add water to maida & make a soft dough 
  • Divide the dough into small lemon sized balls 
  • Take a ball & roll it into thin poori using roti maker or hand
  • Take  1tsp sesame seeds & sugar mixer & put it on poori in center
  • Using water wet the edges of the poori to seal properly
  • now fold the poori to semi-circle & seal the edges by twisting with your fingers as shown in above pic.
  • Now deep fry them in oil 
  •  Garjalu are ready to serve.These can be stored for 15 days


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